Time and frame information

Information related to the frame index, animation range and framerate…

Animation Duration

The Animation Duration is the exact number of frames contained in the image sequence.

Frame Range

../../_images/SI_Range__0001_Conventions-02.jpg ../../_images/SI_Range__0004_Consequences-on-range-03.jpg ../../_images/SI_Range__0005_Consequences-on-duration.jpg


The Handles are defining a set of frames at the begining and at the end of the image sequence that are used as additional in and out frames at edit time. When the frame index of the image is in the “in” set it is displayed in green. When it is in the “out” set it is displayed in orange. When inbetween it is displayed in the color defined for the text.

../../_images/SI_Hand__0002_Handles-03.jpg ../../_images/SI_Hand__0005_Handles-Tips-03.jpg ../../_images/SI_Hand__0007_Handles-Tips-05.jpg